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GHT technology solves waste disposal problems

Green Hydrogen Technologie’s production process relies on climate-friendly hydrogen production from plastic waste, wood waste and sewage sludge.

Today the potential that lies in non-recyclable plastics is not fully used. Germany alone produces more than 3.8 million tons of non-recyclable plastics per year (source: Plastic Atlas, Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland, 2019). These residual materials are incinerated, landfilled or even disposed of in our oceans. In the GHT process, valuable synthesis gas is created from plastic waste and thus provides an economic and ecological benefit.

Despite well-developed recycling systems, a large proportion of wood waste cannot be recycled. In Germany, this amounts to 11 million tons per year (source: Technology for Wood and Natural Fiber-Based Materials. Research project of the Fraunhofer Institute. Data: Federal Statistical Office, 2020). In the GHT process, valuable synthesis gas is produced from wood waste.

In Germany alone nearly 1.9 million tons of sewage sludge are produced annually (source: Eurostat Data, 2020). Sewage sludge contains valuable phosphate. From 2029, EU law requires that phosphate be removed from sewage sludge before it is disposed in landfills. So far no economical process exists. Extraction is complex and expensive.

GHT technology serves a wide range of applications where the availability of economically produced climate-neutral hydrogen on an industrial scale is important. It is suitable for operators in industry, the energy sector and the municipal sector, among other areas.

The operation of a hydrogen production plant with GHT technology puts municipal waste and residual materials to economic use and helps to comply with legal requirements (sewage sludge treatment). The municipality has an additional source of income. It can equip local public transport with climate-neutral propulsion system and make a significant contribution to achieving climate protection targets.

The operation of a hydrogen production plant with GHT technology puts municipal waste and residual materials to economic use and helps to comply with legal requirements (sewage sludge treatment). The municipality has an additional source of income. It can equip local public transport with climate-neutral propulsion system and make a significant contribution to achieving climate protection targets.

By cooperating with local municipal companies, the chemical producer secures a low-cost source of raw material for the generation of climate-friendly energy with low infrastructure costs. The operator can rely on a competitive H2 price.

By cooperating with local municipal companies, the chemical producer secures a low-cost source of raw material for the generation of climate-friendly energy with low infrastructure costs. The operator can rely on a competitive H2 price.

By operating a GHT production plant, a gas supplier expands its product range to include climate-neutral hydrogen. For this purpose, it can largely use its existing infrastructure. The low production costs additionally ensure profitability. It also reduces the company’s carbon footprint.

By operating a GHT production plant, a gas supplier expands its product range to include climate-neutral hydrogen. For this purpose, it can largely use its existing infrastructure. The low production costs additionally ensure profitability. It also reduces the company’s carbon footprint.